Sunday, May 30, 2010

Yesterday, wake up in the morning....
Then saw Adalene msg me...
Keep sms-ing...
Then i went Swensen's for lunch....
I meet her around 3plus....
Slack around causeway.....
Then we saw Ms Renu n her friend....
LOL.... So coincidence....
They continue Shopping so we don't want to disturb...
We left... Went library.....
When we are going over to causeway we saw a carnival near civic....
LOL... We went over and view what was happening.....
Hahas... So crowded.....
Although decided to watch movie at the end didn't....
So we went home...
When i was inside the bus on the way home, i saw Adalene walking home...
Reach home around 8plus....

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy 2nd month anniversary!!!

To laogong,
Omg!!! So fast 2nd month already... LOL....
I would like to thanks you here...
So many thanks...
Dont know how to start....
But thank you very much...
Today keep sms-ing with someone... :)
Thank you ^^ You know who you are... LOL

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

June Holiday!!! ^^

Tomorrow last day of school...
Then i can have my June holiday...
Now must plan my outing already...
So happy...
Can't believe that i am having holiday...
So fast... LOL!!!
Want to go a lot of place...
Where should we go???
I want go somewhere can enjoy...
Must precious all the time we have...
Everyone enjoy ur time during June holiday!!!
Can't wait until that day arrive....
Omg!!! I am so excited... ^^
This few days mood not very good...
Something happen everyday... Hais~
Dont want to mention here...
Everyday reach home so many things to do....
So tired... So many homework... Hais~
I want to
REST!!! So tired...
Go sleep first...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sorry Instrustor!!! :(

In the morning,went school...
No choice got school but i want to sleep...
Wanted to sleep in class but in the end
there listening to musics with Zack...
I in class kept listening to songs, teacher also never caught me... LOL!!!
After school, i went with Zack,Nadhirah,Hwee Sin for the cip leaflets....
Still got CCA.... Hais~
Shouted at Instrustor today...
Sorry Instrustor. :(
After CCA, went home to change then meet Adalene...
We went swimming together today...
OMG!!! I miss swimmming so much....
Bathe finish then we went down to Old Centre...
Buy something then we went for dinner...
Shop,chat and laugh then went home...
In bus, talking to someone in phone till i reach home still talking...
11pm then reach home...
Tmr then continue talking to you....
Good night sweet dream... ^^

Thursday, May 20, 2010

OMG!!! Today i got to know my marks....
Only some subject pass... So sad...
My artttt so sad.....
Teacher never come today so fun we there using phone....
I listening to musics..... LOL....
Then after while went to 3/3 class....
There talking.....
So tired for today feel like sleeping...
My eyes pain sia...
And then went home but never sleep...
Went to watch disc...

LOL... Quite funny....
Stupid sia the shark.....

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

In the morning, got E-learning....
Wake up so early for this..
So bored doing the e-learning...
Hais~ Just found out something...
Really hurt my heart so much...
Dont want to mention it here...
i need you all please dont leave me...
I dont mean it...
I have my reasons... Hais~
Agnes say you guys have no responsibility
dunno anything and jump dump me.
But maybe you guys really have a reason....
But i just simply choose to trust you, my friends.......

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hais~ Last few days, i'm busy doing my stuffs...
A fews days ago, just found out something...
Dont want to mention it here...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Enjoy today!!! :)

In the morning, went out with Kimberly and Adalene...
Went to relax our brains first...
I'm glad that Kimberly was going well on ddr and pump...
Bought something then on our way to library...
I thought today is public holiday cause is mother's day...
At the end, i found out today is not public holiday...
So we went to library
Finish our hw and we chat and play...
After then, we went causeway slacked...
Kimberly have something so she left first...
So only left, me and Adalene...
We slacked around causeway and chat and play...
Reach home around 8plus...

I would like to wish all mother's in this world a

Friday, May 7, 2010

Just let me!!!

I'm sick and tired living in this world...
Need to make me so tired???
Why should i be born on the world...
Why should i always be like this???
So sad!!! Keep crying non-stop...
I hate myself myself keep crying...
Dont bother about me just let me die...
I want to do something first before i die...

Daskest time in my life...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Happy together!!! ^^

This morning I was actually in a bad mood...
Maybe I did show attitude to some of you.
But i'm sorry, I really didn't mean it and hope nobody is offended
Well, after school, I stayed back for Art.
With Stephen, Andrei, Justin, Kingston, Ben and was pretty enjoyable! :D
We were playing and singing together.
Everyone's voices so nice. ^^
Never regretted staying back for Art.
THANKS everyone!! :D
Leave Art room around 5plus and reached home in about an hour time
Cotinue to do my art works...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sorry, i dont mind it

This fews days mood damn bad...
Dont know why...
Maybe cos...
Sorry, if i show anyone of you my attitude.
I'm really very sorry.
Maybe, i need more time to recover my wound.
Give me more time to decided then i will give you an answer.
I'm so sad right now. *Crying :(

It's a tired day

Today, after school went out with Yaxin, Claudice,Daniel n others
Keep meting shaun... He look like waiting for someone....
Went to have lunch,play and chat...
So tired, almost fell asleep. Reach home around 6plus.
Talk n sms with her quite long...
i wanna sleep!!! So tired.. ^^

LOL! So funny... ^^

Today, the weather was scorching HOT!!!
Firstly, silent reading, afterwhich we went to indoor sport hall.
Hahas... So funny! :D Many things happened in the morning...
OMG the funniest thing of the day is that someone actually shouted out of a sudden, causing everyone to stop chatting. At that moment, the indoor sport hall was very silent. ^^
Many people started to stand up to find out what happened...
Behind me, Stephen,Andrei,Ellson,Justin,Kingston and FengHao keep talking about jokes...
Then i keep there laughing... OMG!!! So funny... Laugh until my stomach very pain. ^^

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Today so tired!!!

Today after exam stay back for Art...
After finishing exam immmediately rush up to art room
wait until 1plus, teacher then come....
Do so many things today...
Hais~ So tired...
Left the art room around 4plus...
Gastric very pain like dieing...
Reach home already 5plus...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Today i went out study and met a lot of friends....
Afterwhile study until very tired then went relaxing our brains...
Suddenly saw Adalene and Kimberly...
So shocked!!!
Went playing together...
Playing like mad!!!
Slack slack around causeway...
Reach home around 7pm...
So tired...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I miss you Badlyyyyy!!!

Today is going to end...
Still left two days to suffer
How m i going to be ALIVE!!!
So hard...
So long...
I need the strenght u give me to let me continue living!!!


Today morning 1oplus then wake up...
Went out for lunch....
Around 4 plus got tuition until 7plus...
Althought meeting adalene at 6.50pm
During my tuition, adalene keep sms n call...
So funny... I think she's worry about me...
Sorry, Adalene!
Sorry to make you worry about me
N i'm late...
Hope you understand...
Reach home around 10plus...
So tired...