Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Spicy rice cake

We should do studying in the early part of the day, but end up having YAMI yogurt & Spicy rice cake. And some humorous jokes that make me fright of eating rice cake and chrysanthemum tea. ^^ @Melody& Agnes!
I'm not going to eat Korean spicy rice cake till end of September. >.<

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Why does love hurts? It's painful! *Tears kept flowing down my cheeks*

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The facts

It's really easy to type but hard to said and express! What's wrong with me? Crying over and over the same guys. KAI LI, pls accept the fact in front of you. Things happen not the way i wanted but it's the fact. Hais~ *tear kept flowing down my cheek*

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My past! *heart broken*

Sometimes things happen suddenly unplanned. I seriously can't be alone by myself. From young, when I was four! Lots of family members leave me. Do you know how heart broken and scare was i to be alone and family leave me when I was only 4 years old?? How broken heart is that? The previous month before I'm five. My dad actually have an accident in his company. My dad almost die in the hospital after he survive in front of us. My dad was in coma in hospital for 3 month. Part of his brain is destroy and have to been removed for survive. And had stay in the hospital for years. He did stay in the hospital for a years! After he came back from hospital, my dad cant even recognize everyone in the family. After 3 years finally my dad rmb us, I should be happy but I'm sad. Have you experience been beat for ten over year?? Do you know how sad and terrific each day in the hospital there is people crying around you for years?? The fact is when I was only four so many an unfortunate mishap happen! (My heart may look strong to you. if you agreed with this. *you need to know me more!*) I am actually very weak and scare in every day life around me that if same an unfortunate mishap happened to me since I'm four! I understand everyone may have different background. But know this "I DON'T NEED YOUR PITY!!!" got this fact right!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Bad day!

I am pretty happy this whole day in sch! Enjoying my school life! End of the day for school, something makes me pisses off -.-! Don't wish say anymore, Don't wish to care. I'm upset because i care for you. But you ruin it!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

It's my birthday!!!!

When i was using computer and text. Suddenly i heard someone singing birthday song. The sound came from somewhere near my door entry. OMG!!! Is Agnes & Melody follow by Ya Xin! Finally decide to Marina Barrage. Actually to flies kites but in the end. Sat there playing cards for hours! When it's time when we play true or dare. I actually said a lied. I felt so guilty! My answer was YES but in did said NO!! AHHHHHH!!! But i knew that i lied for a reason... I don't really wish to let you know. I really frighten the same things happen. My apology that i lied! *change topic* Thanks Melody for lending a hearing ear to me! Those dare which we done are so funny example wetting ourselves, Do something funny and lots! I want the kites in the sky which will shine in the dark! You know = i know! Credits by: Agnes, Melody, Stephen & Ya Xin!

It's my birthday!!!!

Happy birthday to KAILI!!!! Referring to myself! I'm sleepy but too joyful to sleep! My mood freaking high! XD Did receive all those wishes from you guys especially you! Love you guys!!!
*continue next morning*

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Awesome day!

An awesome day again! Slept for only 5 hours today. Morning went to visit Grandmother and made some homemade mooncake! I LOVE TO MADE MOONCAKES!!! Made some homemade baked mooncake and Snow-Skin mooncake! Finish those chores and left at 2.30pm. I'm late!!! Took cab home and rush! Bathe and change my outfit. Head to Agnes's house because Stephen wanna to visit agnes's titi. Pull us along. Melody reached first then me next Stephen! Played lots of cards games! Which there is a game called hammer & pots and i found that melody actually quite rush in the game! I wanna to play 'Fake"!!! Play with you two will be endless but i am going to make it more endless too! Leave Agnes's house 7 sharp. Went down to the night market with them! The funnies is that I have not ate anything the whole day but i don't feel hungry even if i saw all those foods in the night market! Actually wanted to jog near by park alone but to lazy to pull myself up. Slack at home watching television, using com, and reply-ing you guys! I'm sleepy but too joyful to sleep! My mood freaking high! XD Did receive all those wishes from you guys! Love you guys!!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Awesome day

Yesterday, 08/09/2011 went out with Adalene, Agnes, Melody, YaXin and HuiXin. Have an awesome day with you guys! Thanks, Melody for inviting us. Went to watch Voyage de la Vie again, the characters have been change but quite interesting. Slack after the show then willing to head back home. Reach woodlands it's after twelve mid. Took the last bus home, hopefully there's last bus. Freaking wait for the for least than half an hour, but I'm fine! Reached home, have a quick bath. Started chatting in phone again with Agnes & Stephen till 2.30am again! Kingston was at the background of the call asking and making funny sounds. 3am, It's bedtime!!! SLEEP!!!! ^^ *Hugging lots of soft toys* ^^

Friday, September 2, 2011

My memories!

2 Sept is a awesome day for me. Woke up around 8am, waiting for Adalene and Agnes come over. Adalene actually overslept, make me wait for her 4 hours. 11:30am Adalene reached. Study first! One hour later, went down for lunch! Came back up with Adalene start to eat 2 full plate of durians! OMG!!!! SO SCARY!!! Adalene still ask Agnes for challenge!? Agnes came at 3pm, same thing started with a full plate of durians! I was thinking that they loved durian so much??? 4.30pm, Adalene leave back home. Did study with Agnes awhile. After that start chatting while revising. End up, start to talk about chalet after N-level. Those conversion was so funny and lots of imagination! Stop thinking about this topic. During evening, Agnes suddenly asked me for all my childhood photos and album! Omg, I found all the album as i didn't knew we have so much of photos in a big trolley. It was so much heavy. Started with the first album from the top. lots and lots of memories! I really miss the time when all my family member are here and living a happy life! I really really really miss my grandmother which pass away 12 year ago. i really miss her so much, when ever i think or miss her my tears start to flows. And i really miss 12 years ago when i was young my dad love me so much. Always carry me in his shoulder and arm even I'm sleepy or lazy to walk on my own. My dad treat me so nice and caring but what have i done for him? Did i treat well and nice like how he treat me when i was young? I'm really sorry, Daddy! Lots and lots of memories flowing thought my mind every page and album i turn. Finish flipping all those photos, dry my tears and kept it properly and neat back the trolley. Thanks Agnes for the hug yesterday is warm. Agnes went back home after helping me with the packing, send her to the door. Bathe again as my face is full of tears. Using face book and twitter after bathe. After that it's 12mid nothing to do. In phone with Agnes and Stephen chatting. Chat about lots of stuffs till 3am we hung down the phone. Omg, we chat for 3 hours! Too bored so start to chat with Claudice in Facebook till 3.30am. Felt sleepy and i went to sleep. Actually nothing much to say.